
SightEMR is well suited for small standalone clinics where the workflow is simple.

It helps streamline the patient’s movement across each section of the clinic. Along each step of the visit, records are captured, and the clinic is guided to provide the patient with the utmost care.

Why SightEMR?

We understand your ophthalmic clinic. Developed by an ophthalmologist in a busy ophthalmology practice, SightEMR’s knowledge of ophthalmology remains unrivalled. As the most comprehensive ophthalmology EMR software on the market, SightEMR delivers a flexible, efficient workflow so you can focus on quality patient care.

SightEMR breaks down the patient visit between 4 sections – the receptionist, refractionist, doctor and optical shop, making the whole process simple and easily streamlined. It gives to each member of your clinic a simple, effective tool that lets them work smarter, easier and faster. The wait time for the patient is tracked and in case of excessive wait, the respective team is notified. Less wait always contributes to higher customer satisfaction.

Some of the features that make SightEMR stand out are

Less wait times and better crowd management

  • Optimizes the practice process to improve the patient flow ensuring higher satisfaction.
  • Easy access to wait queues with notification for patients waiting longer. This makes it easier for each section to prioritize patients and ensure that no one waits too long.
  • Instantaneous access to reports and prescriptions available online or through printouts
  • A mobile app for the receptionist for quick and efficient patient registration. Even in case of a sudden spike in patients, a flexible and scalable option is available.
  • Options for questionnaires and feedback from patients.

Less expense

  • Minimal hardware expense. The receptionist and refractionist would be able to access the patient through a secure mobile app which is intuitive and user friendly. They do not need expensive laptops or tablets. Infrastructure is scalable because of the app.

Feature galore for doctors

  • Feature rich screen for doctors to access the patient through a laptop which gives them a larger and more comfortable space to enter all the details for the visit. All patient information available from a central screen specifically designed so that all information can be retrieved with minimum clicks.
  • Mandatory fields ensure that no clinical information is missed out
  • Clinical and non-clinical templates that help reduce time. There are templates for investigations, prescriptions and procedures. Also, ready made templates like Driving License Template, disability certification, etc.
  • Diagnosis with ICD coding
  • Default prescriptions meeting national guidelines
  • Notes for the patient visit can be entered as speech to text
  • Clinical gradings with reference images
  • Clinical drawing including Corneal and retinal diagrams with searchable annotations
  • Automatic day summaries and medical reports
  • Access to past records, including medical and surgical histories

Optical Shop software

  • The Opticals Manager can track prescription glasses from the time they are prescribed by the doctor till they are delivered to the customer. Each step including frame and glass selection, invoicing, ordering with manufacturer, quality checks, returns and delivery is recorded.
  • Gain financial insights with comprehensive financial reporting

Technical features

  • Minimum hardware expense. All the heavy lifting is done on the cloud. Zero servers needed.
  • Mobile apps for receptionist and refractionist reduce the hardware expense. They can run off existing mobile phones. Only the doctor and optician would require laptops or tablets.
  • Secure yet easily available data storage. Information pertaining to a patient’s historic visits is stored on the cloud ensuring 99.9% availability from anywhere in the world. This ensures that your clinic runs reliably and that your backup is always available.
  • An offsite Application Admin to configure clinics, practitioners and support staff, create templates and generally help you with anything you need – just a call away.
  • Experienced Technical Support Specialist ready to provide 24*7 customer service
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